A research group on Fluid Dynamics was created at IMPA in 1987.
The group carries out joint projects with various institutions within the country and abroad. Scientific activities are expanded towards education, through the implementation of doctoral and master's degree programs at IMPA in the areas of Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Analysis.
The Dynamics Laboratory Fluid has 16 linux workstations with high graphics performance, fit for development and visualization of results of scientific computing. Remote platforms are used for implementing computationally heavier cases all running 64-bit Linux system: an interconnected cluster for fast networks, 10Gbps Ethernet and InfiniBand 40Gbps, 144 cores, 4 Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and 3 Terabytes of RAM memory; 12 SGI servers, each with 12 cores, 64 GBytes of RAM; 1 Dell server with 32 cores, 128 GB of RAM; and other Dell server with 8 cores and 48 GB of RAM. There are also four Windows Workstations to ensure compatibility requirements with Microsoft platforms. This infrastructure can be used locally or remotely via the Internet.
The aforementioned equipments enable the necessary simulations and also the exchange of scientific information among students and researchers of our group and collaborators.